Residential BMPs:
Bioretention Areas and Raingardens
Car Washing
Rain Barrels and Cisterns
Infiltration Trenches
Lawn/Landscaping Education
Porous Pavement
Preserving Natural Vegetation
Riparian Forest Buffers
Soil Amendments
Water Bar
iOS users: tap a BMP or description once to highlight the area, twice to view more information;
Android Users: swipe a BMP or description to highlight the area, tap to view more information
Bioretention Areas and Raingardens
Car Washing
Rain Barrels and Cisterns
Infiltration Trenches
Lawn - Landscaping Education
Porous Pavement
Preserving Natural Vegetation
Water Bars
Riparian Forest Buffers
Soil Amendments
Bioretention Areas and Raingardens Porous Pavement Car Washing Preserving Natural Vegetation Riparian Forest Buffers Water Bars Infiltration Trenches Rain Barrels and Cisterns Soil Amendments Lawn Landscaping Education

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